
Confessions d'un revenant (novel), ECE-D, Paris, 2020.
Khalil B. undergoes mystical experiences during coma after being seriously injured in the 2005 Beirut attack. Data revealed in coma is proven true by further archeological evidence. A reflexion on religious fanaticism and on common core of all spiritual traditions, with 2015 Paris' attacks as backdrop.

"La Psychanalyse, moteur du Surréalisme", essay (art history).
Published in the catalog of Espace-Dalí-Paris museum, 2019.

"Pourquoi Rodin et son Homme qui marche nous font marcher".
Essay (neuro-æsthetics), published in: De la recherche à la pratique clinique, Lacour, Paris, 2008, lecture on the interactions between vestibular neuro system, body motion and visual perception, at Congrès Annuel de l'Association Française de Posturologie.

"Un paysage dans le nez".
Essay (æsthetics), published in: Le Regardeur n°2, magazine of Musée des beaux arts de Nîmes, France, 2007; detailed study of Dalí's painting Paysage au clair de Lune, 1958, which is designed over a magnified photo of Hitler's nose.

L'après-vie secrète de Salvador Dalí, fiction.
A post-mortem interview of S.Dalí, dialogue played live at colloquium: "Salvador Dalí: sur les traces d'éros", Cerisy, France, 2007.

"Redonner à voir le mouvement", essay (æsthetics), lecture at E.-J. Marey colloquium, Collège de France, Paris, 2004.
Associated with simultaneous JF's exhibit of "Morphocopies" showing a fluid way of representing motion in visual art.


Dali-Lacan : La rencontre, essay (art history), L'Harmattan, Paris, 2003.
Essay on Salvador Dali and Jacques Lacan's relationship in the early 1930s and on Dali's influence over Lacan.

Haikus érotiques, 2002 (privately published, contact the author )

Metro : le combat pour l'espace. L'influence de l'amenagement spatial sur les relations entre les gens. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996.



Plaidoyer pour une démocratie adulte.
Clues for a responsible/adult evolution of Democracy, from a psychological & initiatory perspective (3 volumes).

Liberté, le modèle Dali.
A way to self emancipation, based upon an analysis of Salvador Dali's biography.

Mobilis in immobili, la perception du mouvant dans l'œuvre d'art inanimée. PhD thesis in Arts defended at Paris' Sorbonne, 2010.
How can Art extend visual perception (the case of motion illusions);


Conversations sur l'infidélité, suite à l'affaire Chatterley,
A sequel of 
Lady Chatterley's Lover.

A surrealist "train movie" screenplay where the protagonist meets Dalí and his court on a train trip to Paris and gets exceptionally inducted into the gang after being declared Dalí's younger double.

Dynamique du couple.
On how male and female emotional processes definitely speak a different language.

• Procès d'intention.
About dishonesty of perverse minds and how they don't pass the test when forced into a formal open debate.


L'égalité des sexes.
A mystical exploration of sexes' natural inequalities.

• Livre des croyants.
A parody of revealed sacred books and their mental manipulation techniques.